Smoke & Fire Rated Opening Protectives for Internal Windows

When discussing vertically deploying smoke & fire-rated opening protectives, emphasis is always put on doorways or elevators. However, it is also important to consider any internal windows you may have.

Take for example, a manufacturing environment. Typically, a manager or supervisor’s office is separated from the main floor, but has a window or two to easily view the production area. These windows need to be protected in the event of a fire emergency.

The M1000 fire-rated assembly is the perfect solution. This system deploys on a fusible link and falls with gravity - no power required! It has a 20 minute fire endurance rating and can keep important offices or areas protected from smoke and flame. This can be incredibly important considering the files and computers that are often kept in these segregated offices.

When it comes time to consider fire protection for your building, be sure to consider your internal windows. Give the professionals at Smoke Guard California a call today to learn more.